Thursday, March 21, 2013

Proud Little Sister

Now I'm using my blog for something completely unrelated to the topic of Baby Taylor, except that this person IS related by blood to the little that works right?

Anywho, so proud of my big brother:

In Flight

Our little family of three (minus Summy) are currently in flight to Austin, TX, right now to celebrate Stef's wedding.  I can't wait for a little time to thaw, relax (well, as much as you can with a wedding weekend :) and just get away for a bit.

This is the first time I've flown since I could feel the baby (weird, right?) and I start to wonder maybe slightly odd things while I sit here...for example, she seems to be moving more than usual since takeoff - does flying bother her?  Is she lighter somehow?  Does she feel the pressure change?  Do her ears pop?!?  Or is that even possible at this point?  Oye.

I guess I realized the other day how yes, she's in my belly, incubating, but how much exposure and interaction she does have with the outside world already.  I mean, she can hear me and I think people around me at this point.  Also, my mom brought up how when she was pregnant with both Ethan and I, we would get startled by loud noises such as dropped pans and kick and move around in her stomach instantaneously as if we were scared.  For some reason that gives me a mix of emotions from wanting to walk slow and smoothly so as not to disturb her but also I just kind of giggle wondering what's going on in there!

Another realization I just had in perusing facebook is another one of those "wow" moments since knowing it's a girl...someday she'll have a father/daughter dance whether it be in elementary school or eventually at her wedding.  That's so nuts!

So that's my realization today

That said, this will be an interesting wedding for me - I'll be in it, in a dress that fits though is definitely NOT made for maternity (if you're lucky I'll shared photos - it will all make sense :), wearing heels (lord help me right now), and sober...we'll see how this goes :)

Anyway, those are a few thoughts for today.  I'm worn out from a stressful work period and exhausted from very little sleep these last few nights (work, too much to get done, early flight today) so I'm going to rest my brain now and zone out to the lull of the airplane engines.

Cheers to "Keepin' it weird" in the dirty south this weekend.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dr. Appt - 21 Weeks

Today D and I - and Baby Taylor of course - had a doctor's appointment.  Just one of those run of the mill check-ins, but honestly I'm glowing from it!  Isn't that weird?  But it all went so well!!!  She reviewed the ultrasound results with us, which she confirmed were great, and let us know that in fact our baby is not ahead of schedule but looks to be perfectly on time - 55th percentile weight wise to be exact.

Also, I gained 5 pounds!!!  So now I've gained 5 pounds total (or 10 if you include the 5 I lost when I first got pregnant).  My bp was 106/59 and heart rate was 58 - so everything looked healthy and good to go so our doc said she doesn't need to see us for another 6 weeks.

On top of it, we got to hear Baby Taylor's heartbeat's such a reassuring and joyous sound at a healthy 159bpm.  And as always, our doc commented on how active she is...when I start feeling this little one I don't think I'll sto

That said, I have felt her, but not regularly and still pretty lightly, but I've felt her nonetheless.  You still can't feel her from the outside, but hopefully that will come soon so D can feel her pounding on my insides :)  I can't wait for the first time her feels her reach out to his hand while it's resting on my stomach.

Anywho, so there's the update!  Things are looking good in this world - healthy, happy baby in my belly, still on par with a July 26 due date, and my weight is on the rise - woohoo!!!

Clothes that make me happy....aaaaand I might be shopping tonight....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Baby Clothes

Believe it or not, I haven't bought anything yet for our baby girl (let me clarify, we haven't bought any CLOTHES yet).

I know, I know, it's unreal right?  But I am torn between waiting for showers as I'm assuming I'll get a lot of clothes there and going out and buying out Carter's.  I'm sure my mad purchasing will begin soon and not end for the next 20 some years, but even so, I'm pretty shocked that I haven't bought anything yet.  But, that doesn't mean though that I haven't been looking...

And what have I seen?  Well, Derrick says no taffeta type ruffles...while I largely agree with this, have you seen ruffle butts???  My god they're cute or those little leggings with ruffles on the butts?  I swoon.  Also, I love tutus.  They're adorable, but those I will make and not buy.

While I accept that my baby girl will be in pink occasionally, I don't want her in ALL pink.  Maybe that's bad, but honestly I love love love the yellows and blues, greens, purples, reds and oranges so much more.

Carter's.  Pretty much any of those little bugs, animals, etc... outfits at Carter's kill me.

Also rompers, that's another item only little girls can wear that I find just adorable.

Lastly, animal print...I'm not a fan.  Just putting it out there, and I don't judge anyone who loves it, by all means, live it up, but I'm just not a fan.

That's all.  Thought I'd put it out in the world our likes and dislikes in the realm of girl's clothes.  More than anything, I want her to be comfortable, warm/cool as needed, be able to crawl around, get dirty and just enjoy life without worrying about what she's wearing.  That's my rant for this evening.  Oven is going off now...  Onward...

It's a GIRL!

So I know it's been a while, and I have quite a bit to say, so I'll try to do a few separate posts today and tomorrow.  That said, we found out last week Baby Taylor is a GIRL!!!!!

D pretty much summed it up best with: "This changes everything."

And yes, it does.

That may sound ridiculous, but it's as if all of a sudden this little being has an identity.  Yes, it had its fingerprints before and we'd seen it move on the ultrasound which is ridiculous, but it's no longer this enigma we refer to as "it" or "baby".  It's now "her", "she", "baby girl"....even crazier, "our daughter"...whoa!

So yes, it changes everything.  D is no longer dreaming of days wrestling in the yard, but is instead working on her nursery day and night to ensure she has the best room possible.  Her safety is of the utmost importance and with the plans coming into play she very well may be the next Lindsey Vonn or something of the like. No matter what, I can pretty confidently say with us as parents, she'll be athletic one way or another.  And see, all of THAT is the thing, SHE starts to take on a personality now - it's truly crazy, and I am SO glad we found out if it's a boy or a girl.  Not because I want pink or blue clothes (I'll save that for another post), but because your headspace changes some.  It just does.

And no we're more than halfway through. We're in week 21 and while we're still counting up, this also begins the countDOWN.  21 weeks means 19 weeks LEFT!  How crazy is that?!?!

Another few things we found out at the ultrasound, she's healthy.  Healthy as an oxe.  In fact, the perinatal doctor told us she has a, "beautiful heart" - those are two words I will never forget as long as I live.  And her spine looks "great" too!  I know, I shouldn't have been worried maybe, but it's natural too I think and hearing that verdict was music to my ears.  Boy or girl, yes we wanted to know that, but everything else was amazing.

What was also interesting is that she's ahead of the game...what exactly that means I'm not entirely sure but we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where I hope to find out.  At the ultrasound which was 10 days ago, she weighed about 12.5oz.  According to my books and apps, as of 21 weeks (which was 2 days ago), she should be at I've either got a beast growing inside me or our due date may be moving which in all honesty I'm not opposed to.

All that said, here are a few ultrasound photos for your viewing pleasure. More posts to come soon!

I would add the one that CLEARLY shows she's a girl, but she's been pretty shy about it through this process so I don't want to blast it over the internet.  My first concession :)