Monday, February 18, 2013

Ultrasound Photos

We had another ultrasound this past week to check out a few things, so here's a quick rundown:

- Baby's heartbeat was 150
- The tech kept commenting, again, on how active our little one was; for some reason even writing this or every time I bring it up makes me smile :)
- We could see all the fingers and toes, eyes, etc...  it's truly starting to look like a little baby!
- The sex?  Well....still TBD...the little one sat on his or her foot the entire time!  I swear we kept trying to get him/her to move that little perfect foot to no avail.  So I guess we're all waiting on that news for a few more weeks. 

In the meantime, check out the photos below!

Thumb sucker perhaps?

 High Five!  But look doesn't it look like baby is looking at its hand?

Cute that a foot though in the background?  ha!

 Creepy face pic.  Yes, I still think it's adorable, it's my baby, but creepy mccreeperson too

 Here's just a photo of me...not a good one but wanted to show I'm growing.  When I stop being lazy and actually download some other photos I'll share more!

Happy President's Day!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 16

Ah!  It's been two weeks!!!!  Okay, it's bad practice to let a blog stay stagnant for so long, but give me a break.  I'm pregnant.

So what's been going on you ask?  Baby is now into week 16 which means it's the size of an avocado (4.5 inches or so head to rump, without the legs included), I apparently no longer fit into "normal" pants (fact), and now cry at many things including sentimental/emotional/sad/happy/other Facebook posts.  Turns out those pregnancy hormones are real. 

In other news, I have absolutely no immune system.  I say it again: absolutely. No. Immune. System.  If there is a bug or virus within a mile radius I feel like I get it, and it happened this week!  In Atlanta for a work meeting and I end up spending the night before it flip-flopping between chills and sweats, getting very little sleep, and "waking" up just feeling awful.  Thank god my work was okay to let me skip the meeting that day (I still feel horribly guilty for doing so mind you...Applen guilt) and flew me home early so I could crawl into bed and not move for more than 12 hours.  It's a cruel little joke that the time in your life when you're hypersensitive to everything going on with your body - what's that cramp, is that craving normal, I'm HUGE - is when you also get sick all the time. 

Anywho, so that's where things sit for now.  Also, going in for another ultrasound Monday morning and to have more labs (shocking).  I feel like they test for everything so often nowadays they're sure to find something to have you worried about, but I'll go into that at a later date...maybe after this round of bloodwork :)

Enough for now.  I'm going to eat pizza.